当坐在 FURICCO办公椅上的时候,首先让人感觉到的不是坐在一把椅子上,而是融入了种热情洋溢的生活之中,随性自由、健康舒适,既符合内心的愿望,也贴近未来的理想,也许就是所谓的“情怀”吧!不可否认我们都被情怀“惯坏”的孩子,从标新立异的商业设计到普罗大众的日常生活,都离不开骨子里的艺术和文化气息,而 FURICCO所作的恰巧就是用设计让情怀落地,走进我们办公空间,走近我们的时代。让我们这些曾经年少轻狂的80后和刚初露头角的90后,得以在这个浮躁的商业社会里找到一处可以和内心品性自由交流的空间,这就是 FURICCO办公椅,你也可以! 产品咨询热线:13601022544
The same office chair use different material and color can produce distinct adornment effect; this is because the material and color itself also represents a kind of beauty that beauty is material, color itself inherent. It is only good at discovering the beauty, good at using this kind of beauty office chair design to produce the best overall effect.
We use the bright colors to give a happy mood, with color to awaken the space vitality the joy is accumulated in daily work and sends out.
In the lonesome summer, I packed all young feelings with my in official document bag, and purchased my own little office with infinite longing entrepreneurship i wanted to know what was the best office chair? I searched again and again, always had no obtaining Until l saw it, it is like the tail met the magnet; the clear and fresh attractive lemon yellow was like beautiful like summer flowers, warm and bright and faintly emitted the delicateness and shy The exquisite electroplating hardware feet was striving to stretch, extremely proved and own mature at the end, until l was speechless, the original so-called best office chair, is the “romantic beyond the expression of the word
Radian elegant, straight line, smooth transition, the double unification of the function and form and the dual satisfaction of sense organ and utility the elegant and warm color is so passion, the natural revelation of the youth’s mood Fashion is not only a kind of representation here!
Ust, consequi tem fuga Equae. Nam reperum imus mag dunt, cusam evendig nihilliquam, num eat et volenis eicitatur magnatus, sed enis arcium harcitibus idunt oditias sitaspi ciundus amusand enecearum expedis es sum eume dolorate natur?
It is needless to say that the delectable office space is very important to the job Do want to make the office more fashionable and cool? Firstly please start from the color of furniture Furniture is the carrier of people interacts with the space and the color of furniture also led the entire radiation and space effect. Therefore, choosing the right office furniture color is the important condition to create high value of office space. The grass green vitality, the vitality of fresh ice blue, orange. Choose the right color of office furniture to create higher level beautiful appearance of office space
Seat modelling is inspired by the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore “Life like Summer Flowers”in”Stray Birds”. The young office life should be like the resplendence of summer flower, never faded and down pretty and coquettish like fire, with gorgeous attitude to feel the movement of breathing and heartbeat, always enjoy it. With The simple material object modelling, the exquisite craftsmanship can be seen in the details Between the light and shadow, it is intangible flowing