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躺椅:舒适与时尚—新的阿尔法休闲椅是您追求全天候生活享受的伴侣。从清晨到夜晚,这款工程学的大师杰作都能根据您放松的需求相应调节,不事张扬却又与众不同。阿尔法休闲椅有两款基本设计,同时又能提供不同面料及颜色的选择,以匹配您居家或办公环境的不同需求。Comfort and style-the new Alpha Recliner is your comfortable partner through the day  From Morning to Evening, this engineering  masterpiece adjusts to your needs for relaxation Unobtrusively and in style. The Alpha Recliner comes in two basic designs and offers mam material and color choices to match your home or office interior.


The headrest can adiust over a range of 40 allowing you to concentrate or ay back for a nap.

Good Afternoon Enjoy a relaxing cup of tea While the mild afternoon sun puts a golden glaze over the mountains. Take a sip, lay back while the self-reclining alpha recliner supports your lumbar. The reclining mechanism will automatically adjust its resistance depending on the body weight. You only have to lay back

The synchronized movement of backrest and seating area automatically adjusts to your sitting position

A good book, a glass of wine Be yourself and forget the hectic outside world. the alpha recliner will be your safe haven

The ottoman features an adjustable range of up to 15. this function allows the ottoman to best support the part of the leg between heel and knee, satisfying different ways of usage. If the ottoman is used as a seat it will automatically lock position for increased safety

The alpha 108 features a continuous armrest and can be fitted with two different headrest and knob types

The large adjustment knob allows to change the force of resistance the recliner puts up against the body.
可选扳手设计 Alternative knob design

Headrest: the headrest can adjust over a range of 40

Headrest: height-adjustablepillow-5 levels, 5 cm in total

Ottoman: the ottoman features an adjustable range of up to 15. If the ottoman is used as a seat it will automatically lock position for increased satety

The alpha 109 comes with separated armrests as well as a streamlined headrest. Two types of headrests and coutrol knobs are available

The receding knob allows to easily adjusts gas pressure controlling reclining force and locking backrest position
可选旋转把手设计 Alternative knob design

Alpha 109 standard headrest Tilt forward at any angle up to 40

Alpha 109 U Head Tilt forward at any angle up to 40 left and right sides can fold into a U shape range up to 40 to better support your head

Alpha108 Alpha109比较Alpha108和 Alpha109具有相同的功能,靠背和头枕的角度调节范围也相同。
Alpha 108 and alpha 109 provide same functionality and tilt range of backrest and headrest

The alpha 109 features a slimmer backrest appearance with separated armrests

The alpha 108 integrates the armrest nto the recliner back shape and provides a very wide headrest pillow

Starting with an excellent seat that provides stabil and balance comes the backrest that dynamically esponds to human movements. TNK Flex allows for free movement of the body, which in turn reduces fatigue, stress and tension while increasing both performance and productivity. An ergonomic design based on user
support and interaction A partir de una excelente sentada que aporta estabilidad, maximo soporte y equilibrio, el respaldo responde de manera dinamica a los movimientos humanos De esta manera, TNK Flex permite movimiento libre del cuerpo lo que reduce la fatiga, el esfuerzo, las tensiones y aumenta el rendimiento
y productividad. Un diseno ergonomic, basado en la sustentation y la interaccion con el usuario

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