
沙发设计师:Davide tonizzo
Davide Tonizzo is a design artisan. He was born in Toronto but like many Canadians, he has a second motherland, Italy. Hi connection to this other citizenship has both nurtured and inspired s work. Like his ancestors of the italian renaissance, Davide mes engineering th art in a craft-like meth ethod creating bespoke design solutions for his clients. His passion for design was propelled by a childhood dream of being a car stylist. So Davide’s career began not in the classrooms and design offices of Toronto or to as locals call it)but in the model shops and car lesign studios of another To, Torino. His second love, furniture design, came to him by a date with destiny in Milan nen he discovered the showrooms of the great furniture companies. These talian beginnings have led to an independent practice of over 20 years, a diverse portfolio, many awards, patents, and publication n international design media. Davide’s work has migrated into brand creation and film making
Alza is about action and movement alza is a verb in italian meaning”lift”. As an action word, Alza is the perfect name for this dynamic furniture collection that is designed for high performance in any commercial environment. Every aspect of the product was created for a specific purpose
The crisp linear look of Alza creates a sort of arrow form in the side profile, giving the product a very dynamic, unique appearance. The idea of action or motion was something the designer wanted to evoke in the product. Alza’s front is”lifted” from the floor while the large flat back allows a screen panel to be”lifted”up into place creating a nice, personal space
The crisp, linear look of Alza creates a sort of arrow form the side pro The idea of action or motion was something the file, giving the product a very dynamic, unique appearance designer wanted to evoke in the product. Alza’s front is”lifted from the floor while the large, flat back allows a screen panel to be”lifted”up into place creating a nice, personal space
The sides of the different components are flat so that they can be mated together giving architects and interior designers many options to configure the perfect seating arrangement for their clients’ needs. The modularity of Alza can be used to build straight and multi-curved arrangements with or without seatbacks, screen panels and arms
- 由于坐垫是最经常受损和需要更换的组件,“Azα”的坐垫与底座是分开的,易于拆卸与替换,这样也可以延长产品的使用寿命
As the seat cushion is the component that is most often damaged and replaced, Alza uses one that is separate from the base and easy to change. This gives the product a longer life -
The modular design of Alza gives many colour combination options. The seat cushion, base and armrests can be specified in different colours or all in the same colour