9to5 Seating Chinese distributors办公椅 core系列产品
9to5 Seating Chinese distributors·提供各种款式的办公椅产品
- 韩国KGS高稳定性4级整支气压棒,360°灵活旋转,通过120,000次旋转耐疲劳测试
- 座采用进口面料,提供多种色样选择,定型棉采用德国BASF原料,意大利oMS高压发泡设备制成产品硬度及密度稳定使用新款自重底盘,可根据人体自身重量自动调节座背饭仰力度,更加人性化
- 底盘可通过159kg冲击测试及300000次耐疲劳推背测试,底盘弹簧测试可通过330.000次
- 所有紧固件使用109~129级合金钢汽车级螺丝,并采用美国军事规格进行 NYLOK处理
- Three different arm options in addition to armless and guest models
- Black or gray accent colors
- Weight balanced, knee tilt or Synchro control are all warranted up to 300 lbs
- Stylish hubless casters available
- Molded foam back over mesh suspension
- Ratchet back height adjustment, offers ability to raise or lower the backrest for the greatest comfort
- Stylish durable pol outer back
- Matching accent color, 6-way adjustable arms show great design with ergonomic performance
- New W1 “sit and forget”weight-balanced control utilizes the weight of the user to balance the back tension
- New Y5 control for the top-of-line in ergonomic function, full synchro control with a 2: 1 seat-to-back ratio, infinite position back angle lock and built in seat depth adjustment
- Lifetime warranty on structural and mechanical components